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Sustainable F.E.E.D. projects

In line with its statutory purposes, F.E.E.D. does not collect donations for general charitable projects or emergency aid. Our focus is on holistic activities which involve: providing information about a healthy, balanced diet (even to those as young as schoolchildren), and about how this food can be produced in the local area; agricultural and business courses around sustainable self-sufficiency; the creation of jobs; and environmental protection.

A main theme of our work is therefore the schools project and the distribution of vitality porridge, which is rich in vitamins, minerals and protein. This vitality porridge meal is a supplement to the meal children still receive at schools. With this project we are combating malnutrition, from childhood, raising awareness of the importance of a balanced diet in strengthening the immune system and to protect against illness and disease. Important in a child's development to grow up strong and healthy. At the same time, we train the teaching staff, so that the issues around healthy eating can be explored in lessons and there might be recognition of its long-term local significance.

Another main focus is the agricultural training courses, each a week long, offered at basic and advanced levels. Here, people who have not had access to education, and young people and adults who are unemployed and in need of help, are given training on how to provide for themselves and their families by growing vegetables and medicinal herbs, or even how to start their own agricultural business and so actively contribute to providing food for their communities.


We currently have two active projects in South Africa supporting these two main themes. These activities are taking place in Potchefstroom, Johannesburg, Eastern Cape and KwaZulu, Natal. Our aim is, with the help of further donations, to extend the projects throughout the entire country. Donors have the option, specifying a particular area or school they would like to receive their gift.
If you’d like to individually customise your donation, please contact us!

Map south africa

What we have achieved so far


portions of healthy school meals distributed


schoolchildren taught about healthy eating


teachers trained to teach children about healthy nutrition


additional family members supported with vitality porridge


course participants trained in self-sufficiency


Gesundes Schul-Essen

Healthy school meals
„Vitality Porridge“

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Landwirtschaftliche Schulungen

Vegetable production which protects natural resources

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Food & Energy Courses

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