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Legal notice


Food, Education, Energy & Development e.V.
Schwingeweg 5
D-22607 Hamburg
Telefon: +49 40 607 713 190

Authorised representatives:

Managing Board:
Peter Schrum (Chair)
Edith Seemann (Deputy Chair)
Thies Schrum (Treasurer)

Association Headquarters (Place of Jurisdiction): Hamburg

Registered at Hamburg District Court VR No. 24470
Tax ID: 17/440/23617

Bank details:

UniCredit Bank AG Hamburg
IBAN: DE14 2003 0000 0020 659 124

Responsible for the content pursuant to Section 55 Para 2 RStV [State Broadcasting Treaty]:

Edith Seemann


F.E.E.D. e.V expressly declares that although it follows due diligence with regard to internal checks, the association accepts no liability for the content of linked third party websites. The operators of the sites are exclusively responsible for the content of external sites. If you believe that content in a linked external site contravenes applicable laws or contains inappropriate content, please notify us. We will check the information and will remove the links concerned where necessary.

The EU Commission has set up an interactive website (ODR platform), for the resolution of out-of-court disputes involving online transactions. The ODR platform of the EU Commission is at: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/

Picture credits:

Schule Toddler Town Day Center
Videos: CFD-Productions Andrew Wallis

Need more information?

We’ll be very pleased to answer any questions!

Contact us Mon-Fri 9.00 - 18.00

  • info(at)feed-ev.de